Thursday, January 31, 2008

People in Movies are Stupid

I was watching Superman Returns this weekend. There is scene where the island that Lex Luthor created starts to break apart. The bad guys are running for the helicopter and a gigantic pillar of rock comes crashing down toward them. The pillar is some hundred feet tall, but only a mere ten feet wide. They have about seventy-five feet to run to get out from under it before it hits them. OR they could run five feet sideways and have it miss them completely. You know, of course, that they chose the longer route and were squished into a human pancake.

Why is it that people in movies always think they can outrun the falling pillar?

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Restaurant Called Edible

I want to open up a restaurant and call it "Edible." That way people will know what they are getting when they come to it. Besides, how many times have you been talking to someone about what they want to eat and they reply, "I don't care, something edible." Well, then you would know exactly where to take them.

I might even open it up in the lobby of my hotel, "The Woods," so I can do a combined ad campaign. "Come to The Woods and get some Edible food."