Friday, July 27, 2007

The Beer Shirt

So, I was talking to my brother tonight and we came up with this idea for a "beer shirt." The way it works is that the shirt will change color to indicate how much beer you've had. The color starts at the bottom and works its way up. The more you drink the brighter your shirt gets. When someone tries to tell you you've had enough, you can clearly show them that you could put down a few more.

We might even get beer companies involved to sponsor the idea and get their logo on the shirt. That way it lights up to tell everyone what kind of beer you've been drinking. Or if we get really scientific, we could have the shirt only work for certain types of beer. You know, a Budweiser shirt only responds to a Bud.

I suppose the shirt could have its drawbacks too. Suppose you get pulled over and the officer says, "I see you've been drinking tonight." "No ssir, ossifer...what gave you that idear?" "Well frankly, because your shirt is three fourths of a different color."