Monday, September 10, 2007

What's the Dog Thinking

I have spent a considerable amount of time with my father’s dog lately, and I like to think that we have developed a bond. During the weeks that I took care of him, we came to know each other’s habits and routines. But there is one thing I have never truly been able to figure out with much certainty. And that is what the little fur-ball is thinking.

There are times when he will sit on the couch and just stare at you. You can stare right back at him, and he never breaks his gaze. (Unless of course he loses interest or realizes that you are too stupid to read his mind and give him what he wants.) I have often tried to surmise what is running through his head. Is it simple thoughts like, “Pet me” or “Give me a treat?” Or is it more complex thoughts like, “Does that guy know he is wearing two left-footed socks?”

The looks he gives me are sometimes so deep and attentive like he is trying to convey some message to me that I just can’t seem to fathom. Then again he also gives me looks that convey that he seems to think I am the biggest moron on the planet. I will probably never figure out what is running through his mind, but it is fun to conjecture what his looks might mean.