Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Whisper in My Ear

I have had several people at work question my choice of careers lately. I am trying to figure out if they really think I would be better suited for something else, or if they are just tired of working with me and want me to move on to other things. I can only hope that they have my best interests at heart and just want me to be happy. Maybe they see something in me that screams, "I'M UNHAPPY!"

I probably would have just dismissed these comments if I hadn't been feeling a strong nagging pull about my writing. For some reason I have had this overwhelming feeling that something big is going to come from it. I can only imagine that it is God telling me that He will work great miracles through me. It has made me more excited and motivated to work harder on my book, and at the same time more excited to see what God wants me to say.

For the first time in my life I am taking my writing seriously and starting to wonder if my future won't end up in writing. For the first time in my life I am giving it a real chance. I am not going to quit my day job until something solid comes of it, but at least now I am honestly giving that avenue a chance to intersect my life.

I can't help but feel that there are signs surrounding me...speaking to me. And for some reason I am just too hard-headed to listen. I guess I never gave myself enough credit. I never considered my writing that great that anybody else would want to read it. I never thought anything would ever come of it. Now I am wondering if I might have been wrong.