Saturday, January 14, 2023

Bucket List

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my own mortality and the shortness of our existence. I realize how fleeting time is and how we shouldn’t wait to experience life. So, I decided to make a bucket list of things I want to do before I die. Sadly, I only had four things on it. But it was a start.

Today, we went to some friends house for a play date. It was the first time we’d been to their house, and we were surprised to find out that they had a pond behind their house with ducks. Apparently, when they moved in, there weren’t any ducks in the area, and the woman’s mother had decided that they needed some. So, she went to a duck farm (I didn’t even know that they had such a thing) and adopted some large black and white ducks. They had thrived on their little pond, mostly because the woman’s mother had taken to feeding them every day, and now there were twice as many as they’d started with.

So, we got a scoop of food and knelt down to wait for the flock to arrive. And arrive they did. Within moments, ducks were flying and waddling toward us. They were so calm that they’d eat right out of your hand. And while they ate, they’d let you pet them.

Now, I have never had an urge to pet a duck before, but once I realized it was an option, it was all I wanted to do. So, I fed them and pet them. I…touched…a…duck! I immediately pulled out my bucket list, added “touch a duck” to it, and checked it off! Next up, take a picture with a quokka.