Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Unpredictable Weather

The weather is acting crazy again this week. What was just supposed to be a routine cold front has turned out to last for several weeks. It is Autumn now, so technically we should be having this sort of cool weather anyway, but after so many years of experiencing 85 degrees at Christmas time, the "true" weather feels like an oddity.

I am not complaining about the weather, truly. I am thoroughly enjoying it. The only complaint I would have is the great variance in the temperature between when I get up and when I get home in the afternoons. Only in Texas (as untraveled as I am, there might be other places as well...but work with me on this) can you get up in the morning to it being 50 degrees, having to turn the heater on, and then come home from work to it being 85 degrees, having to turn the air conditioner on. I go to work with a sweater and jacket on, and come home in the afternoon in only my under-drawers. Well, okay that might be exaggerating a little, but you get the point.

One of the great tourist draws of our state...the unpredictable weather! And we don't have it unpredictable from season to season, or even day to day. We have it unpredictable from hour to hour.