Thursday, September 3, 2020

The French Toast Connection

Has anyone else noticed how much Neosporin smells like French toast? It has that sweet, syrupy smell to it. I’m not sure if that was on purpose, if they were told to make it smell like that, or if it just happened. 

French toast always makes me think of my mom. She introduced me to this delicacy of delicacies, and she will always be my French toast connection. Now, I guess she's my Neosporin connection too. Except that I have no intention of ordering Neosporin whenever I go to breakfast in a restaurant.

The French Toast Connection sounds like a romantic spy movie from the 1950s, where a man chased all over the globe by foreign agents bent on killing him, must uncover the elusive connection between a fried, egg-covered breakfast bread and a cream "that helps cuts heal four days faster."

And apparently it's also a little bistro in Portland, OR.