Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Paving the Way

My spousal unit's first grant application was accepted into consideration into the final stage today. She had applied to this grant without much hope of getting it, because it was for more experienced scientists, not one going for her first grant. But it was worth the experience to at least apply. And then this!

God has a plan for her. Not sure if it’s to get the grant or not yet, but it’s something to even make it this far. She didn’t have much hope, so it was a huge surprise. I told her that everyone said that a freshman would never win the Heisman Trophy until Johnny Manziel did it. When something is so good that you can’t possibly pass it up, it paves the way for a new way of thinking. Maybe this is her time to pave a new way of thinking about first-time investigators to get this grant.