Monday, August 18, 2008

Lunch Tieve

I think there is a great food-stealing conspiracy going on at work. Several days now my lunch has gone missing. I smelled odors emanating from the kitchen that smelled suspiciously like what I had brought for lunch, but I reasoned that nobody would steal another man’s lunch. I was wrong!

I walked into the kitchen later to find my Tupperware sitting on the counter completely cleaned out. I let it go the first couple of times, figuring that maybe somebody just made a mistake and grabbed a similar looking container. But after nine times, I’m getting suspicious. I think somebody is going in the refrigerator and looking for the best-looking lunch and just helping himself. Kind of a first come, first serve mentality.

I can only surmise that it isn’t a direct assault on me alone, because the times it has happened to me have been sporadic. I think I’m going to have to leave a note on it tomorrow, written in really strong language!