Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ricky Martin Screensaver

When I was in college, I replaced my roommate's Anna Kournikova screensaver with a Ricky Martin one.  He adamantly held that he abhorred Ricky Martin more than anybody else.  So, I thought he'd appreciate the change.  Just to be sure he'd be sufficiently inconvenienced by this gesture, I password protected it as well.  Oh, did I mention that it sang "Livin' La Vida Loca" too?

The first time he came home and saw it, he nearly had a conniption.  When he found out it was password protected as well, and he couldn't turn it off, the vein in the side of his head started throbbing.  He proceeded to reboot the computer and went to do something else while he waited.  By the time it had come back up, he had completely forgotten about the screensaver (yes, it took his computer so long to boot up that he had sufficient time to forget about it).  He went about downloading more illegal music and pictures of Anna Kournikova.  A few hours later his attention had been drawn to EPSN Sports Center (which was perpetually on whenever he was home), and after 10 minutes or so, his screensaver came up and started singing "Livin' La Vida Loca."  He got pissed all over again, and I could hardly contain my laughter when I heard it.

As much as he complained about that stupid screensaver, it stayed on his computer for 3 months.  I don't know if he couldn't figure out how to get it off, or if he secretly was a closet Ricky Martin fan after all.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Artwork

In an effort to appear more cultured and sophisticated, the office manager decided to acquire some new artwork for the walls of our office.  However, since she's neither cultured nor sophisticated, she proceeded to hang this abstract art upside-down.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Texas Children

It's funny that when most people hear the word "Texan," they think of gun racks in your truck.  I don't know why, but far be it from me to break the misconception.  So, when MC asked me if this rumor was true, I told him absolutely.  In fact, it's all a product of how we're raised.  Every Texas child has a Power Wheels...let's say truck, but something big and mean, like a Dooley truck...with a gun rack and BB gun in the back of it.  We drive around screaming obscenities at sticks and squirrels that get in our way or cut us off.  MC laughed, then looked at me and asked, "Really?"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

They're Labeled for a Reason

At work I have ear buds for my iPod.  They are labeled with an "L" and "R" to indicate the appropriate ear to stick them in.  Today, I accidentally picked up the "R" ear bud and stuck it in my left ear.  I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  I was totally grossed out.  Cross-ear-waxation is not something I take lightly.