Thursday, September 5, 2019

Songs in Traffic

Generally speaking, I hate traffic. It irritates me and makes me become an ugly, cussing person that I hate. I have no patience for stupidity or incompetence when it comes to driving. People make such bad decisions that they become dangerous, and that irritates me too. Needless to say, I’m not a fan of sitting in traffic...unless.

The only time I don’t mind a little traffic is when a song that I really like comes on the radio. I appreciate a small delay so that I can make it all the way through the song. I hate when a good song comes on the radio just as I park. Then I have the dilemma of missing it or stupidly sitting in my car for the next 4-5 minutes. But if I’m sitting there then I can’t really enjoy it, because all my mind can think is that there is no purpose or usefulness for this idleness. So I’ll usually end up turning it off early anyway.