Monday, June 18, 2007

Sleeping in the Woods

While traveling this weekend, I happened to pass the Doubletree Hotel. My first thought was, "I wonder what happened to the Singletree Hotel. Did the Doubletree Hotel run them out of business?" For that matter if I started the Tripletree Hotel, then would people stay at my hotel instead of the Doubletree because they thought it was better? Would it only be a matter of time before someone started the Quadrupletree Hotel to put me out of business? If the number of trees is really that important to indicate the quality of your establishment, then why stop at three or four?! I should start a hotel called "The Woods." Then I would have an infinite number of trees. I would like to see someone top that!

My second thought was, "I wonder if the first rooms for this hotel were actually in trees. Otherwise why would you associate trees with a hotel? Was the first bed actually a hammock and that is why it is called Doubletree, because you had to have two trees to hold up the hammock?"

I can just see the weird looks someone would get for staying in my hotel. 'So, where are you staying tonight?' 'Oh, I thought I would just stay in The Woods.' 'Uh...okay. If you need to, you can just bum with us.' 'Oh, where are you at?' 'We're in the Doubletree.'