Monday, August 6, 2007

The Coconut Shoe

C.D. went to the store yesterday and stepped in some shampoo on one of the aisles. She said she managed to only get it on her right shoe, which made it kind of awkward to walk around the store. When she got home, she cleaned the shoe and noticed that it smelled like coconuts.

I am not overly fond of coconuts, so I think at this point I probably would have just thrown the right shoe out. But then what do you do with just one shoe? I suppose you could use it as a cup holder when you go out on a picnic. Maybe you could use it to plant a flower in. It would probably make a good paperweight or fly-swatter. Or maybe you could just start a new fashion trend and wear it with some other solo shoe.

Whatever you do with it has to be better than smelling like coconut!