Monday, October 29, 2007

Driving Without Pants

Today I am going to explore that strange side of my personality again. That side that makes a normal person ask, "Why would you do that?" I am going to explore my strange fascination of going without pants on. That's right, no pants. I might still be, and probably am, wearing a shirt and most likely socks, but the pants have got to go.

I must admit that I am not actually pantless as often as I let on to be. For instance, when someone calls me on the phone and says they are coming over, my reply usually is, "Okay, I guess I should put some pants on then." It is not necessarily that I am standing there on the phone with no pants on. But I could be, so be prepared if you ever just pop in unannounced. (The trailer park manager found that one out the hard way!)

I have even gone so far as to drive around without pants on, just to see if anybody would notice. I know it is probably against the law (I mean if it is against the law to drive without shoes, I'm pretty sure it's against the law to drive without pants.), but it is also extremely exhilarating. The danger and excitement of getting caught. The completely innocent look you give people if you do get caught. You know the look, like driving without pants is the most normal thing anybody could do, and that you actually think it is strange that they aren't doing it.

I had a friend once that drove around topless. She said that she felt that driving without pants might draw too much attention, and she was too scared to try it.