Thursday, September 3, 2009

Frogger Red Rover

In an effort to encourage team unity and teamwork, our company decided to institute a game day at work. The first game chosen for the event was "Frogger Red Rover." You might be familiar with Frogger and Red Rover, but you are probably wondering to yourself what on earth "Frogger Red Rover" could be. Simply put, it is an ingenious combination of both popular games.

At lunch one day, associates were divided up into two teams, one each on either side of Hwy 50 (the busiest highway in the city). The first team then chanted across the highway, "Red Rover, Red Rover, let J.L. come over!" J.L. then had to take off running across Hwy 50, attempting to dodge the constant stream of cars passing by. She was almost successful, making it to the very last lane before an unexpected car turned the corner and took her out three feet from the curb.

The director of our site was the first to her still body. He patted her hand, "J.L., J.L., are you okay?" J.L.just moaned, as blood bubbled from her lips. "Well," the director continued. "You need to get up out of the street. There's still four more hours left in the day."

Needless to say, I don't believe we will be continuing the tradition of "Frogger Red Rover." Nor will we be attempting any team unity games for a while. You will all be happy to know that as soon as J.L.was released from the emergency room, she was back at work. In an effort to congratulate J.L. on her extreme commitment to the job, our director had his assistant print off a generic certificate that was presented to J.L. in her cube quietly one afternoon. Her name was spelled wrong on the certificate.