Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Drinking Jameson in Your Underwear

I was in Derry, Northern Ireland back in November of 2015.  I was there to conduct a training class for a group of new hires in our brand new office.  JM and his wife came over at the same time, as JM was supposed to be taking over the office and getting it established.  His wife only stayed a week, but JM and I stayed two. 

During that second week, we were inseparable.  We dined together, went to the movies together, went shopping together…you name it, we did it together.  There was one night that we were supposed to be going to dinner, and I went by his hotel room to pick him up.  When JM opened the door, he wasn’t wearing any pants!  From the waist up, he was impeccably dressed, as always.  From the waist down…underwear and socks.

I felt a bit uncomfortable and asked if he needed more time.  He replied that he was ironing his pants, and he’d be ready in a few minutes.  He asked me to come in and share a drink with him.  I’m not a big drinker, but he laid it on thick when he told me that he had gotten a bottle of his favorite whiskey, and he didn’t have anyone to share it with.  I took a small glass, which I sipped sparingly, and he jovially talked about his day while he stood there in his underwear...glass of Jameson in one hand, iron in the other!