Saturday, November 3, 2018

Noah’s Ark

Noah’s ark is a famous story from the Bible where God asked a man to build a gigantic boat to house his family and two of every kind of animal to save them from a worldwide flood.  Scholars have debated the logistics of such an undertaking for hundreds of years.  While the Bible goes into great detail about the dimensions of the boat, it says absolutely nothing about the truly important questions.  Like did Noah lock up the chickens in pens or did he let them roam free?  Cage or cage-free eggs?  Or would they be free-range?  You see what I mean?!

Assuming that he let them out at least part of the time in those forty days, then how did he keep the tigers from eating them?  I’m not sure what he had brought to feed the tigers, but I’m sure after a few days of going vegetarian that seeing that chicken strut by all cockily (pun intended) would be very tempting to his natural instincts.  Logistically, I guess all of the animals could have been in pens, and Noah and his family could have taken them out one-by-one to get exercise to reduce temptation.  But I like to think that everyone was just roaming free about the boat, and they just KNEW not to eat each other.  I mean the God of the universe was running the show, so I like to believe that he suppressed their natural instincts until they’d had a chance to repopulate the Earth again.