Monday, January 11, 2010

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...

But seeing someone after a long absence; and suddenly have them in your space, changing where things go and how things are done, nagging and questioning everything you do and why, messing up the quiet and peaceful routine you've established, and complaining and bellyaching about everything non-stop...makes the heart fly into an uncontrollable rage.

It's sad that some relationships are better from a distance. When there is time and space in-between to allow you to fool yourself into thinking that someone is more like the fantasy and less like the reality. When the brief moments of contact can delude you into thinking that someone is the sweet, nice person you always dreamed them to be.

But have them around you all day every day, and their true colors come shining through. It's like the false smile they used to get you to open the door and let them in is replaced by an evil snarl as they attempt to upset and rip your world apart.