Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Alaskan T-Shirt

I used to work with a guy who would randomly wear an Alaskan t-shirt to work. It was just an ordinary blue t-shirt with a big picture of a mountain and the word “Alaska” on the front, but it was odd because he dressed so nicely ever other day. Thinking that he was just trying to loosen up a little, I made a comment one day that it was good to see him going more casual. To which he replied that it was laundry day and everything else he had was dirty. After that, I always laughed and teased him when I saw him wearing that t-shirt…must be laundry day.

The Alaskan t-shirt has now become my euphemism for laundry day. Whenever someone says they were doing laundry, I always ask if they were wearing their Alaskan t-shirt. It’s also my assumption when I see someone who normally dresses a certain way randomly wearing different clothes one day. So, I’ll ask them if it’s laundry day and they had nothing else to wear. Which is probably more relevant if someone randomly gets more casual in their dress, but I also do it if someone randomly gets dressier too!