Monday, July 10, 2023

Tree Encouragement

I was driving home this morning, and as I got near my house, I was rounding a curve in the road. All along the curve, there were small trees planted in the median in the middle of the road. As I passed them, I noticed that the trees were waving in the wind. It gave the impression that they were encouraging and cheering me on. I heard whispers of, “You’re doing great!” and “You’re almost there!” and “You can do it!”

It’s like when you hit the home stretch in a race, and you can see the finish line. You’re spent. You’re not sure where you’re going to find the energy to make it to the end. And then there are people lining the route cheering you on. You are filled with a burst of adrenaline, and you push through to the end. It was nice to know that even the trees were on my side this morning.