Monday, November 9, 2009

Live By Faith

B.D. said yesterday that all of the debate over whether Creationism is right is useless, because nobody really knows. I think it’s interesting that people refuse to accept or believe in Creationism because they weren’t there to see it. In fact, they can’t even talk to anybody that was there to see it. All they have to go by is a written account of what someone says happened.

So, by that logic…how do we know Genghis Khan existed? Or Alexander the Great? Or Attila the Hun? Or Julius Caesar? How do I know that Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated? Or that Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie died at the Alamo? Or that there were Hanging Gardens in Babylon? Or a Colossus statue in Rhodes?

I didn’t see any of these things. I can’t find anyone that was alive at the time to ask about them. All I have is someone’s written account. Yet, nobody has a problem accepting or believing that these people or events are real.

In addition, Christians believe the Bible, the source for Creationism, was inspired by God. This would make it a better, written source than history books. But suspend the facts for a brief moment and consider the theory that it was only written by men. (How many times have I heard that argument? I can’t believe the Bible because it was written by men and therefore is prone to error.) Why does this book by men deserve less blind faith than the history books I studied in school?

Why do people struggle so much with faith about God and miracles? Don’t they blindly work off of faith for millions of things they have never seen every day?