Monday, June 4, 2007

The Pack Mule Service

I was shopping for clothes with my Mom last weekend. As I walked around the store loaded down with the clothes she wanted to try on and buy, I couldn't help but wonder why department stores don't offer you a basket or something to shop with. Are they trying to reduce the amount of stuff you go home with?

Whatever their motivation it almost forces you to have to go shopping with someone else. You need someone to hold your stuff so you have free hands to dig through the clothes for more stuff. It is funny how many couples I saw doing the same thing. The guy was tagging along behind his wife or girlfriend, toting her clothes around with a completely bored expression on his face. Occasionally, you would get the "newbie" who would say something stupid like, "Don't you have enough stuff already?" or "How much is all of this going to cost?" or "How much longer are you going to be?" Which every guy knows only serves to make the woman pick up more stuff, spend more money, and stay in the store longer. Amateurs.

Lucky for me that I actually enjoy shopping, so I can stand around and laugh at their miserable states. I have found that to truly enjoy shopping you have to get involved in the process. You have to have and give your opinion about styles and colors. And you can't just say whatever it will take to get you out of the store faster. You have to have well-thought-out, good suggestions. In a sense, you have to care. In the end you might actually enjoy shopping too, and the person you are with will love you all the more for it.