Friday, July 6, 2007

A Mind of Their Own

Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own. They don't seem to always type what I tell them to type. My mind is thinking something, and I am pretty sure I get the right message to my fingers. But then they go off and type something completely different.

Most times this is no big deal, as most people just look at it as a minor typo and move on. But occasionally my fingers write something really embarrassing or completely inappropriate. And sometimes they write things that completely change the meaning of what I was trying to say.

And you can't always rely on spell checker to catch these things, because my fingers are very sneaky about using actual words when they change things. It almost seems like they are trying to see if I am paying attention or maybe how much they can get away with. I end up triple reading everything I am writing to make sure they haven't slipped something in on me.