Friday, July 16, 2010


When I first got married, I didn't really do anything around the house.  If I wanted to do something special for my wife, then I'd surprise her by unloading the dishwasher before she got home.  For the first few times, she was very appreciative, and I was encouraged to do it again.  After a while, though, unloading the dishwasher just became my job.  I had to up my game.  So, I dusted for her one day.  She was ecstatic.  I was back!  After a few more dusts; however, dusting just became another of my jobs.  I went through laundry, trash, vacuuming, bathrooms...all with the same result.  Now, I have a whole list of "jobs" and no way to impress my wife.

I noticed we have entered an alternate reality, though, because now my wife comes home, plops herself on the couch to watch TV, and asks what's for dinner.  I see myself when I first got married, and I wonder how one little nice gesture back-fired on me.