Friday, June 23, 2023

Yard Sale

My spousal unit and I are planning to redesign our landscaping in the front yard. We’ve gone around and around with different designs and ideas to find not only the most pleasing and functional, but also the most cost affordable for us. So, today, I came up with another idea on how to save some money on the project. I saw a sign that said “Yard Sale,” and I thought, “What if we bought a used yard instead of new sod?” I mean if someone is willing to sell theirs, then it might be a way to cut costs!

Thursday, June 22, 2023


If you ever feel powerless to impact the world around you, just try getting on the express lane and go 50 mph.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Peeing (on) in the Dark

I called my brother for Father’s Day today, and I asked him how his morning was going so far. He said that his dogs had woken him up at 2:30 am, needing to go out. So, he found himself outside in the dark while his dogs ran around the yard with the sudden need to pee himself. He lives in the country with nobody anywhere close to him, so he decided he’d just pee outside too.

Now, he does have cameras set up around his property, but there’s one blind spot in the coverage. He said he’d tested it out and determined that he couldn’t be seen in this one location. This was the “pee spot.” He’d used it several times before, and the grass in this one spot was completely dead. Content he was safe from prying eyes, he let the pee fly. Unfortunately, while he was going, one of his dogs came up behind him and started peeing on the back of his leg. I guess he’d found his “pee spot” too! Needless to say, my brother was cussing under his breath as he trudged back inside to get cleaned up.