Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Need for Mindless Detachment

Have you ever stuck your tongue out at the ceiling? What a way to start a blog, huh? Well, I was just sitting here in my chair at work with my head back against the chair and sticking my tongue out at the ceiling. Who knows what possesses people to do weird things like that. Boredom. A need for mindless detachment. Missing a few screws upstairs. I know my coworkers must think I have experienced that last one.

It isn’t that. I assure you, I am perfectly sane. I guess sometimes I feel the need to do something different, and I don’t care what anybody thinks or whether they can understand me. Sometimes I don’t always want to do what the world thinks is “proper” behavior. I don’t feel the need to do anything illegal...just something “weird.”

Forgive me, I must sign off now. I feel an uncontrollable urge to go running by C.D.’s office.