Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beauty of the Rain

It was raining again this morning. Of course saying it was raining is an understatement. It was pouring. I really wouldn’t mind so much if I didn’t have to drive in the mess. Although there is a certain beauty to the rain that can only be seen from the inside of a car.

I like to turn my windshield wipers off when I stop at a stoplight and watch as the rain slides down the windshield in wavy, uneven sheets. Colors blur together. Perfect, logical shapes turn into irregular, curving masses. It’s like watching the world slowly going out of focus. And I sit mesmerized as the picture before me takes on an endless array of variations when looked at through my ever-changing lens.

Then the light will turn green, the windshield wipers will be switched back on, and the abstract will be swept away. The lines and perfect angles will be back. Clarity will be restored…at least until the next stoplight.