Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Christmas Roulette

My spousal unit and I each ordered Christmas gifts this year from Amazon, using my wife’s Prime account to get the free shipping.  However, we forgot to put some indicator on the outside label to tell which ones are hers and which ones are mine.  This became blatantly apparent when the packages started to arrive in their non-descript brown boxes and white plastic packages…all with my wife’s lovely name adorning the outside.  So, we have now begun a game of Christmas roulette, as we try to tell what vaguely might be in the package, simply by squeezing and shaking it.  Ultimately, we just have to take a chance and open it, and hope that it’s not our own Christmas surprise from the other person.  With each package like the last loaded chamber of a six shooter, as we shakily draw the knife along the tape.  And each success is a breath of sweet relief, as we guess correctly.