Monday, November 7, 2022

The Bone Bruise

So, I got the results from the MRI on my knee today. Apparently, I have a contusion, which is a bruise…on a bone. Leave it to me to do something strange like that. That I only had a contusion and not a broken bone or torn ligament was the good news. The bad news was where I managed to bruise the bone. I hit it right on the ball joint of the femur, exactly where it meets the tibia. So, every time I extend my leg, the two bones come together and hit the bruise. This is why it’s so painful. It also means it’s going to take a very long time to heal. The doctor said a minimum of three months, and only if I refrain from any sort of high impact activities, like running and jumping. I’m currently at six weeks, but honestly I’ve been running around with my son on occasion, so I’ve probably made it worse. Slowing down is going to be very hard for me.