Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Side of the Bed

Do you have a certain side of the bed that you always sleep on? Probably so, it seems everyone does. But the real question is, was there logic to picking that side of the bed? You know like, it is closer to the alarm clock and I always get up first. Or, that is the side that the fan is on.

Me personally, I didn’t get to pick my side of the bed…I was assigned it. I was assigned the side closest to the door. So, if we move and the layout of the bedroom dictates that the bed should be turned around, then my side of the bed changes. I have no say in the matter; that is just the way it is.

Why was I assigned that side, you might ask. Well, my wife told me that I had to be on that side so that if we are attacked in the middle of the night, then they will get me first, and my screams will wake her up and give her time to get to safety. Honestly. I am dead serious.

It’s okay, though, because I usually have to get up and pee about eight times during the night. And this affords me a shorter distance to the bathroom. Which is also fortuitous because it means less obstacles to try to navigate in the dark, when I am blind and apparently uncoordinated.