Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Out With the Old...In With the Made-up

Does anyone else get tired of the same old words, the same old clichés? Do you end up making up your own words and clichés just to be more exciting? Well, I have been known to do this on occasion. I like to keep people on their toes; to make them really have to listen to what I say. I like when they get that look on their face of "did he really just say what I think he said?!"

I really like to make up new words or combinations of words. Something like "nobody appreciates the depths of my 'funnilarity'." Or “other than that ‘Englishical’ disaster was the story okay?” Whenever I am questioned on a word that I use, I simply state that it comes from "The Me Dictionary of Made-Up Words."

I like to come up with new twists on old clichés as well. Something like "it is just dust under the lamp" instead of "it is just water under the bridge." Or "I like to lick the envelope" instead of "I like to push the envelope." I think it gives a bit of spice to life...or at least a whole lot of funny looks.