Friday, November 19, 2010

Texas Children

It's funny that when most people hear the word "Texan," they think of gun racks in your truck.  I don't know why, but far be it from me to break the misconception.  So, when MC asked me if this rumor was true, I told him absolutely.  In fact, it's all a product of how we're raised.  Every Texas child has a Power Wheels...let's say truck, but something big and mean, like a Dooley truck...with a gun rack and BB gun in the back of it.  We drive around screaming obscenities at sticks and squirrels that get in our way or cut us off.  MC laughed, then looked at me and asked, "Really?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MC didn't ask about your oilwell, horse, or herd of cattle? How short-sighted!