Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Feather

You know there are some bad choices of things to throw when you’re angry. Like packing foam, tape that keeps sticking to your fingers, or cooked spaghetti. But what has to be the most frustrating thing is a feather.

You can throw it as hard as you want and not only does it not go anywhere, but it just slowly, gently takes its time gliding to the ground. This can be awkward when you’re trying to make a point. I mean it’s hard to show you mean business when this carefree feather is messing up your big, dramatic moment.

Of course the flip side to it is it really doesn’t hurt much if you happen to get erratic with your throw and end up hitting yourself in the foot with it. SIDE NOTE: From personal experience with this particular situation happening, I would also not recommend you try to throw heavy objects either…like, say, I don’t know…a brick!

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