Monday, September 24, 2007

Sleep Deprivation and FFD

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who has Fruit Fly Disorder (also known as ADD) when you are tired? Here is an actual conversation that I had with my wife when she was tired.

A.K.: I have lost my train of thought
D.K.: Did you check your purse?
A.K.: Why?
D.K.: For your train of said you lost it
A.K.: You’re in a funny mood today
D.K.: I usually find mine near the computer
D.K.: Although once I found it on the door in the refrigerator…
D.K.: I don't know how it got there
A.K.: Very interesting
D.K.: It was weird
D.K.: It took me all day to find it
A.K.: I will look tonight when I get home
A.K.: but I’m not sure
D.K.: Try to retrace your steps, that's what I do
A.K.: Usually I find it in bed next to my pillow
A.K.: but it has been gone for a while now
D.K.: I see
A.K.: I don't remember my steps
D.K.: The only thing I find near my pillow are dreams
A.K.: and spit!!!
D.K.: No, that is ON my pillow
A.K.: Oh my gosh
A.K.: On your pillow
A.K.: That must be very uncomfortable
D.K.: Only when I roll over onto it in the middle of the night…
A.K.: I see
D.K.: and get that cold wet feeling on my cheek
A.K.: Yikes!
A.K.: I am losing track of the point of this conversation…
D.K.: Yeah, I scootch over a little to avoid it, but then a new puddle forms...eventually I have to just switch pillows
A.K.: it must be my lack of sleep
D.K.: That's why I have to keep so many pillows on the bed…
A.K.: I see
D.K.: drool back-ups
A.K.: Now I figured out the great mystery

Come to think of it…I don’t think she ever did find her train of thought. I know I had certainly lost mine by the end of it. What were we talking about again?

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