Monday, October 27, 2008

Dangerous Household Projects

I sprained my wrist this weekend. I know on the surface that isn’t so extraordinary, but if I throw in that I sprained my wrist cooking, then it becomes interesting.

I wonder how many cooking-related injuries are reported every year. I’m not talking about major things like suffering severe burns or chopping a finger off, but the more minor ones. Injuries like singing your eyebrows off, or getting popped while you’re cooking your bacon naked, or perhaps spraining your wrist while dumping your macaroni into a colander.

But I digress…

In fact, I was injured several times this weekend, and no not all due to cooking. I hurt my back unloading a shelving unit from the car. I pulled a muscle in my leg and jammed my finger while hanging a curtain rod. I sliced my finger open on a tape dispenser razor. And I got hit in the head by a falling microwave!

The moral of this story is that those little household projects are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

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