Friday, November 6, 2009


I hate when you ask someone how they're doing, and they say, "Well, it's Friday." As if this suddenly answered all your questions. I feel like saying back to them, "Yes, it is, and Cairo is a city in Egypt, but that really has nothing to do with what I asked you."

Do you know that a study was conducted to determine what is the most common Favorite Day of the Week? And do you know what they found? Friday. And do you know why people like Friday so much? Because the next day is the weekend. Um...then why wouldn't Saturday be your favorite day, because then it actually IS the weekend! I don't know about everyone else, but I still have to work on Fridays, so it really isn't any better off than say Thursday or Tuesday.

Personally, I think all of that is stupid. Why wouldn't we be trying to make the most of every day. Why spend your entire week rushing to the weekends? Do you know how much faster that makes your life slip by? No wonder people always think their life goes by faster as an adult. Kids are enjoying every single day. Sure they may rush to get out of school, but then all evening is a free-for-all. You can do anything. Why aren't adults like that?

For me, my favorite day is Wednesday. It goes all the way back to elementary school. On Wednesdays we had music class. I liked music class so much that I couldn't help looking forward to the next week when we could have it again. Now, I just figure that liking Wednesdays is just as logical as liking any other day.

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