Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Earthquake

B.D. was at a restaurant last night, and he overheard a guy at another table talking about how the people of Haiti deserved to die in the earthquake that hit last week. The guy said that it was God's way of ridding the world of those sinners and devil worshippers. He just hoped that God managed to get them all. The guy was smiling as he said this.

B.D. confronted the guy, telling him that he was a disgrace to all Christians.

I believe that there are accounts of God destroying cities or even whole civilizations to purge the land of sin. Sodom and Gomorrah. The Great Flood and Noah's ark. I even believe that there is a distinct possibility that He could still be doing this. Perhaps, there was truth to that guy's words. Perhaps, God did send that earthquake to purge the land of sin.

But should we really be happy about that? Should we be smiling and reveling in the death of thousands? Shouldn't life be sacred? Shouldn't we be sad that there were people that died and won't ever know Christ?

Christians of old pleaded with God to stay His hand. Abraham asked God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah. They weren't singing and dancing as they left the city to be destroyed. They were sad.

I have to agree with B.D. It would be disgraceful to be happy about this tragedy.

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