Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Sliding Tea Cup

Today at work, I dropped my glass of tea on my way to a meeting. The glass slid off my notebook, immediately tipped upside down, and plummetted to the floor; landing on its lid with a splat. The straw was crushed, the lid popped open on one side, and the glass was no longer a perfectly cylindrical shape.

What is utterly amazing, though, is the splash radius of the glass which was dropped only from about three feet up. Spilling only about a fourth of the contents of the glass, the splash managed to cover half of an entire wall...or basically a section about ten feet high and ten feet wide. And when I say covered, I mean literally covered...from the carpet all the way up to the ceiling tiles.

My project team was laughing in hysterics as I climbed up on a chair to dry off the tea dripping from the ceiling. The laughing got so bad at one point that they had to tell the clients to hold on a minute before putting the phone on mute. I have no idea how so little liquid could coat so much sheetrock, or how I miracuously managed to come out of the ordeal completely dry.

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