Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trying to Understand a Scot

B.D. "I don't like them because they're from Glasgow.  Or maybe Ayr, which is pretty much the same thing, because people from Ayr wish they were from Glasgow."

D.K. "There sure are a lot of predjudices in Scotland.  You guys seem to hate everyone, even other Scots."

B.D.  "We're a clan-based nation, what did you expect?"

D.K. "But it's not just clan rivalry.  You guys hate certain political groups, people from any country other than Scotland, stupid people, religious people, people who like it above 65 degrees in the house, and people who can't grow a full beard in a day.  Then, you reserve the right to throw people from certain cities into any one of those categories, just to justify them being on your 'list'. 

"Oh, and the list...don't get me started on the list.  Any minor offense can get you thrown onto the list.  Like the guy that took the last Splenda packet or the guy that left the coffee pot with less than a half a cup of coffee left, so you'd have to make more.  Or the guy that has too much chrome on his GMC Yukon, which then puts anyone that drives a Yukon on the list.  The list is just a loophole for random hatred."

B.D. "Is there a problem with this?"

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