Monday, March 3, 2014

Innovation and Humility

Today, I was working on associate evaluations, and one of the categories was "Innovation." Just for fun, I Googled "innovation" to see how they defined it. It came back with "the action or process of innovating." Grinning to myself at this reciprocal definition, I Googled "innovating." It came back with "to innovate." I give up!

Google: 2 Me: 0

Many of the associates were struggling to get these evaluations done, because they required you to toot your own horn as it were.  Being a team of modest and humble people, this came as an incredible difficulty.  One associate, after agonizing for over two hours on his review only to still be at question number one, asked me for advice.  When I found out that his issue related to his embarrassment at displaying what he termed egotism and conceit, I gave him a simple solution.  One of the categories was termed "Humility."  So, I told him to write, "I am humble, which is why I can't fill out any more of this review."  Then, on every other question, he would write, "See Humility."

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