Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Secret Life of Shoes

There's a lady in my dad’s church that was collecting used shoes to fund a mission trip. I'm curious to know what she plans to do with the shoes to make money. Surely nobody would buy used would just donate them, right? So I decided that the only logical answer was that she's going to start a YouTube channel where people can pay to watch her hidden closet cam. All day long they can sit enthralled at what really goes on behind closed doors. Perhaps they already have the hidden cams, but people were losing interest in only watching brand new, expensive shoes. So they decided to introduce some chaos, to see what would happen if used shoes were put together with new shoes. Imagine the drama and appeal as the used shoes corrupt the innocence of the new shoes. Imagine when one day you turn on the cam and find that a left used tennis shoe has paired up with a right new high heel. Imagine the scandal!

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