Thursday, March 23, 2017

Happy 10 Years to Pockethair

Today, marks the 10-year anniversary of this blog.  The original purpose was a way to feel closer to my wife, while we lived in different states.  I wanted to entertain her with my wacky insights and possibly, slightly exaggerated imagination.  In essence, I wanted her to have a way to enjoy my personality, since I wasn't there to give it in person.

But this blog has become so much more over the years.  I find myself reading back over posts from years ago and re-laughing at memories that I had completely forgotten.  And not just me, but as new friends bump into my life, they will inevitably find themselves reading about pockethair, wondering what kind of lunatic did they just befriend.  And if they're really lucky, then they may even make it into a post.

This blog has become a journey.  It's a journal of my adult life.  My relationship with my spousal unit over our 13 years of marriage, the friends that have come and gone, the jobs that I have suffered through, and all of the random encounters.  I have enjoyed observing life.  I have enjoyed finding the humor in everything, no matter how bad it gets.  There have been many lean times, when I was busy or uninspired, and I can see gaps in my posts.  But I never gave up on it.  I am constantly jotting notes in my phone, so I can blog about them later.  There has never been a shortage of things in this life that make me laugh, and I can only hope that when you read them, you laugh as well.  If you do, then I have fulfilled my purpose.

So, Happy 10-Year Anniversary, Pockethair.  I never imagined when we started way back when, that we'd ever make it this far.  I look forward to the next ten years.

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