Monday, April 2, 2018

Infrequent Usage

One of my nieces was featured in an art exhibit last weekend, so my wife and I stayed with my brother.  I’m not sure what was wrong with me, but during the course of two days, I probably used the bathroom nine times…used the bathroom…like for long durations (that’s as descriptive as I’ll get, use your imagination).

My brother and I used to joke about how infrequently my brother would use the bathroom; sometimes going days or a whole week in between times.  He apparently also didn’t like using the bathroom at work, so he’d wait until he got home.

After this last weekend, I now know why he went so infrequently.  He had somehow managed to find the coarsest toilet paper to supply in his bathroom.  I’m all for saving money when you can, but toilet paper and facial tissue are places where an indulgence is warranted.  If you’re repeatedly rubbing something on a sensitive area, then it should be soft and gentle.  Of course, I’m assuming that this is consistent throughout the house.  Maybe he keeps the good stuff for himself and only puts this out for the guests!

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