Saturday, July 7, 2018

Parkinson’s Barber

My stepmother was telling me about a friend of hers that had Parkinson’s Disease really badly.  If you’re not familiar with this disease, it’s a degeneration of the central nervous system, and it affects the person’s motor skills.  The most common symptoms are shaking, stiffness, and slowness of movement.  It eventually starts to destroy their mental faculties as well, and many people suffer from dementia or a lack of awareness of their environment.

This friend of my stepmother had really bad shaking of his hands, which was quite a detriment based on his chosen profession.  He was a barber.  She’s telling me this at the barber shop, as I’m watching this barber do a fade on this guy’s head with a razor.  And I’m trying to picture this shaking man attempting to do the same thing.

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