Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Vekin Fingers

HR is on a whole vegan kick now, after seeing the state of containment of the luwak in Bali.  Some of her comments are ludicrous and downright incorrect, like the fact that they kill bees to get their honey.  And others are conveniently altered to suit her needs, like her belief that it’s okay to eat the yeast in bread, because the bacteria in yeast is not alive, or is too simple to be considered a true animal.

But she still has cravings for meat, so she has taken to trying to find alternatives, like vekin fingers, which are vegan chicken fingers.  Or veak, which is vegan steak, and vice cream, which is vegan ice cream.  Personally, I don’t see how giving up meat is helping the luwak in Bali.  If she’s that concerned about them, then she needs to start a group of people for the ethical treatment of the luwak (PETL).  That seems like that would have a more direct impact on their lives than one person on the other side of the world refusing to eat meat.

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