Monday, September 24, 2018

Drunk Wasps on a Stinging Rampage

My friend recently sent me this article about wasps in Britain that seek out fermented fruit and wind up getting drunk.  According to the article, wasps are apparently not happy drunks, and they end up getting more irritable than normal.  They have started attacking anything within their line of sight in a drunk, stinging rampage.  Experts believe that the wasps built unusually large nests this year, and the larvae are now all grown up and hungry.  They have started hanging out around restaurants and pubs, looking for anything sugary.  Not so unlike myself, wasps apparently can’t handle their booze, and they get fighty.  Probably not an unusual occurrence around pubs in Britain, but the usual louts are more verbal and less stick-a-painful-sharp-stinger-in-you-and-inject-you-with-poison.  Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that can be done about the intoxicated wasps.  People just have to wait it out until the weather changes, and it gets cooler.

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