Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Do Something

A man was watching the news one night, and he was saddened and appalled that story after story was about something bad; forest fires, child abandonment, homeless men freezing to death, people starving in Africa.  So, he prayed and asked God why He didn’t do something about all of this.  Why didn’t he give aid to the people affected by the fires?  Why didn’t he find a home for the children who had lost their parents?  Why didn’t he provide shelter and clothing to the men freezing on the streets?  Why didn’t he provide food to the people starving across the world?

And God answered the man’s prayer.  He simply said, “I did do something.  I created you.”

Most of us sit around and expect some miracle to cure the ails of the world.  We say, “Somebody should do something about that.”  But if everyone expects someone else to take care of it, then nobody is taking care of it.  God could easily wave His hand and fix everything, but instead He created us with the means and ability to affect the world around us.  I don’t know about you, but I know that I have lived selfishly long enough.  I have been blessed, and I feel a longing in my spirit to bless others too.  I’m going to take one step and see where God leads me from there.

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