Friday, February 8, 2019

Sewing Machine

My mother-in-law had a Singer electric sewing machine that she used every once in a while to make curtains or mend clothes.  One day, she went to use it, and it didn’t work.  She fiddled with all of the buttons and knobs, but nothing.  So she took it to the Singer shop to have them look at it.  The technician plugged it, and the sewing machine immediately started working.  After a few more humoring questions from them and a few more adamant protestations from my MIL, she left the shop sewing machine in tow, and the technician thinking he was dealing with a crazy woman.

She arrived home, plugged the sewing machine in, and nothing.  She tried several different outlets around the house, and nothing.  Not knowing what else to do, she loaded it back into the car and drove back to the Singer shop.  She told them that it wasn’t working at home, regardless of what it did in the shop.  To which the technician replied, “Perhaps it just doesn’t want you!”

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