Thursday, November 3, 2022

Zero Sugar...Same Medical Side Effects

What is this big fad with trying to make sodas healthier by removing the sugar? All these companies are releasing “Zero Sugar” options. Instead they’re replacing sugar with Aspartame. Which was the same thing they did when they made “Diet” versions of soft drinks. So, they essentially just rebranded diet soda to sound more appealing.

And why the focus on removing sugar, as if that's the only bad thing that’s in a soda? Many studies have raised concerns that regular and diet sodas increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. They have both been linked to obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Regular sodas have been linked to elevated blood pressure. So, is sugar really the only thing to be worried about with sodas? I’ve never heard of anyone having an increased risk of any of these things from drinking water…just saying.

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