Monday, August 7, 2023

Running Backwards on a Treadmill

When we were younger, my father had a treadmill that basically sat unused in my parent’s bedroom. My brother decided that he’d give the treadmill some love. After a little while, he decided that the treadmill wasn’t challenging enough, so he tried to up the difficulty. So, he attempted to turn around and run backwards while it was in motion. He was promptly thrown off the treadmill and into the wall.

After he regained consciousness, he decided that the issue was trying to turn around. If he started off backwards, then he should be able to run. He was promptly thrown off the treadmill and into the wall.

After he once again regained consciousness, he decided to stop trying to run backwards. When my father asked him why he gave up, my brother replied, “I’m a quick learner, I don’t need to get thrown off a treadmill three times to stop trying to run backwards on it.”

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